I have been very taken these past weekends... two weeks ago I have been in Genova, visiting the beautiful Aquarium there...
Oh!!! I have so many pictures out from that, and I can't wait to get time to customize a dedicated page in my site about the fabulous life undersea!
If I weren't having ears troubles, I swear, the first thing I'd like to practicing would be sub activity!
çast weekend it was Stef's Bday, so of course.. all time has been dedicated to him :)
I am preparing myself fighting allergias, too.. Spring has finally come and all is lovely warm but.. there are buds and flowers everywhere and this is a trouble for me...
The big latest news though is another one: Gulli and Stefania have become parents of the beautiful Serena two days ago!!!
Which is why I will prolly never be online this week.. all my spare time is for the baby :)
You're gonna see lots of her pics (Gulli is a photographer so...) and so I make you wait some more for another image here too ;) (I ma cruel!).
Wishing you a blasting day.. I have to rush to work myself :) Hugs :) Meli :)