In about one hour Stef and I (along Della, Nadia, Orni and Sara) are about to leave to re-create the typical "half of a week on the snow" (almost: this year there's no trace of snow there, yet) above Tortona's mountains to wait for the new Year to start, in cousy atmosphere with friends.
I wish everybody a serene time to farewell 2006 and to welcome 2007 in the happiest mood.
As ultimate imagine for this ending year I show you one of the pictures of my Second Master Degree, obtained this past 21st of December.
Stef was congratulating me after the very good result: you will see more and more in the new site I'll be building in the first week of 2007. Hugs!
Catch U all in the...new year!
Hugs, Meli :)