me and Monia in Artimino's Villa garden
Hi there, my beloved friends!I want to share as soon as possible some of what has happened yesterday, on Monia and Mauro's *big happy day* :)Knowing how my things are generally slow when it comes to web updates and communications these weeks (not my fault, believe, nor any lack of love and care towards you all.. it's properly that my time is very limited for a while more, but everything's okay so don't worry please :)) I thought some piece of info here would have been appreciated at least :)
More is gonna come in the following weeks when I will finally update my website :)
Anyway... look up and much of what happened yesterday will be at least guessed :)
Monia was SHINING! I think I never saw her that adorable and happy :)
And definitely her dress was fabulous :) Here you see it without veil nor shoulders-cover but in my site you will see all :)
The day has been groovy, sunny, marvellous! The ceremony (held again by "our" priest Massimo -the same one that transformed Chiara's day into a lovely show) has been feasty, joyful and.. I even read at the end of everything ;)
Gotta say my friends approved me as the best bride of honour ever ;) But hey! they're my friends.. what else could have they said?
LOL :)
My hairdo was peculiar, but you will see in the other pictures in my site. Stef took more pictures than I did actually.. he's ready for a camera course.. he loves to do that! :) And that helped me a lot, cos near to the altar I could have never tried to take pictures duruing the ceremony :)
You'll see that by time of dances in the Villa where the dinner was meant to take place, Mauro ended... suitless!!!! I am not kidding ;)
What else? Oh, yeah... I DID TAKE THE FLOWERS ;)
Let's say it was natural to happen ;) I will launch mine next year in Ilaria's favour... we have to mantain the line of friendship, you know ;)
Hope you like my interpretation of the Cavalli's style up above BUT please don't say to me that that way I am ANYTHING like Tittany Spears (I had to hear that even at the marriage.. ARGH!). First, I am sylicon-free and on the second side I sing WAY better ;)
Too bad you can't see my beautiful shoes in th9is pictures... again, you have to wait for the site update ;).
Now it's time to close this... tomorrow is another train travel (I return to Lodi tomorrow... today only Stef went back in our home, I preferred to pass a lil more time with mum&dad) and I am tired a lot.
A mega kiss to you dear friends, and catch you soon again.
PS: It's time of my favourite music to be bought: Subsonica's "Terrestre"... Oasis' "Don't Believe the Truth" and after Coldplay's "X&Y". Awwww Love this time. I am thinkin about buying also Audioslave's one cos I adore their single :)
Hugs, tell me about YOUR favourite tunes of the period ;)
Kisses, Meli :)