Last sunday, to try and finding peace...
So here I am again.. it took a while to feel quiet enough to write again something around the web.
I have answered only Gun, Ilaria and Monia's mails this week...
I have yet to send all the pictures of last sunday barbecue with (and to ) all Stef''s collegues at MTV.
This picture comes from there too, and yes, I smile there.
Last sunday has been a very sweet and relaxing, comforting day, along with very pleasant people.
Gotta thank again Angela and Mauro (not Monia's Mauro, ndr) for inviting us: the time spent at their home canceled for a while my nightmares on terrorism.
But not enough: I keep thinkin of all that too much.
Nothing did help me feeling better these days: not even the fact I leave this incoming week to take my kids to a week on sea (the centre has organized the whole stuff with my Company, so I work regularly and at the same time I spend afternoons with them .. it's gonna be lovely!); not the fact along Stef we've booked just days ago our week from 8 to 16 of August in the Gran Canary Island, in a luxurious hotel near to Maspalomas and Puerto Morgan beaches...
I can't think well not even at the days that we'll pass, after that week, in our beautiful Gallipoli, till we'll seen Elli getting married by the end of August...
Nothing seems to help my anguish: I fear the terrorism is gonna steal me Stef, or some of my dears, in horrible ways, like it did happen in London...
London.. all the places touched by infamy were those we did walk in last time I went in the beautiful town...
Can't rest, I have in front of me bloody scenes, and I just suffer.
Why hate has to take over people this way?
But I won't bend to hate.
G's okay, she tells me all therapy have worked, and she's healed :) I am happy. I told her I should learn from her and her won battle against cancer the way to survive my fears, and just keep on living.
I will trust those words. Friends please... keep help me. Always.
Hugs, catch you soon again, after the week at sea I guess. If I won't find an usable pc there, which I don't think. Kisses, Meli :)