Meli, the cartoon person ;)
Heya my people from the web waves!!!
In a very fullfilled day (tell me which one of my life isn't...) what I will keep (I presume for a few days... argh!!) of visible inside and OUTSIDE is this big BUMP over my spacious front, that a sweet lady unwillingly gifted me with this morning, while I was coming to my office.
She wanted to open the gate for me to make my passage free.. but she used way too much power, so the mobile gate bounced back directly over my front.
I cried but just from one eye ;) nothing bad, as my head's of course made of stone so.. (well, let's make it made from diamond, it's classier !! :D)
Today I also finally paid for *that special secret gift* my collegue and her cousin tried in every way to subscribe at :) I am happy I finally did, I hope the plan goes to its final success.
Micke called me telling me bad family news.. I cross fingers for that (hugs Micke!!!).
On a very light note, a post about an "impossible music request" drove me to exit from lurkerLand in @ the http://www.daveblog.net... but it has been JUST an episode!
That place is heavenly cool but I prefer to just read and avoid to write... I past my time of preaching quite a long ago :)
Have all a great day and.. I am sad (but I can perfectly understand him) great President Ciampi won't accept another mandate at Quirinale.
After such a Premier for 5 years, I am sure he's fed up ;)
Kisses everybody, Meli :)