Some days more for me to be un-wired.... :)
I know I know.. I said that I would have started to be way more active online but after 6 months of no chance to ever get spare time for myself, and after a week among workers furnishing (and not finishing to) the house, this week I am takin afternoons to walk around, do gym, visit friends and of course go to shopping!
I have found Monia's marriage dress. I am gonna be flame red ;)ehheheh. Now I just have to find the shoes.
This weekend I am in Florence celebrating daddy's 63th BDay... I am hard working to update the site before that, or by the start of new week. then I will be constantly online I promise. But you have to understand... Quality time!!! I have finally some of that and I was almost unused to :)
So.. be a lil more patient :) and from my homepage... you can find my Yahoo icon. When allowed to, I'll be using that more than MSN to chat. Just a note. In the end, I am almost never online to chat so when you want me to, drop me a mail and we'll fix a dating time there or in MSN Okay?
See you in some days. Don't be afraid.. I am just having FUN while not online ;)