Though I truly don't think a referendum should be the way to re-make laws (I am not that confident in majority's brain, you know),and although I do believe it's a difficult matter in itself, this law on assistential procreation is impressively narrow-minded as it is.
It's against life (the one that is already), agaisnt science and against motherhood, parenthood and health.
It has to be changed.
Italy is a laical state, and I say this as a catholic, not an agnostic.
Church shouldn't lead Italy.
Dante used to say this 800 years ago, but it seems a difficult concept to digest here.
So tomorrow I leave again to Florence, for voting.
I'd love to meet my girls there, of course.
I just got mail from Monia and Mauro in honeymoon.. they loved the album from them I did create :)
I am on the verge of preparing my collegue's Manila portrait, as next thursday it's her BDay :)
It might be the only piece of artwork I am gonna make before Summer holidays (Cassie's Paint is yet to be completed, but I need summer heat for oils, everybody knows) so I hope it to be decent.
Today Stef plays the final on the local tournement of mini-football.
So this evening I am cheerleading in LodiVecchio (sort of)
The picture of today is taken from 30th of May party held by MTV Italy in Milan, for launching on Sky their Comedy Channel linked to Paramount.
It has been an awesome party, with tons of creative people in there and... Antonio Albanese's performance!!!!
We are all a big fan of him in LodiVecchio.. to witness him has been awesome, truly.
I'll compose an album on that soon I hope. I se you love the interactive albums from the way you've written me under the pics last weeks.
PS: I keep listening to only Oasis and Coldplay albums since I got them.
Two different styles, which I love equally :)
Miss you all dears, but before I leave tomorrow I will answer all mails :)
Kisses, catch you soon again, Meli :)
Me and Nadia at MTV Paramount Channel Launch Party