see, this is my shell of love, my Florence...
Awww :)
I love this picture I took last year... it's so romantic it isn't?
Well, I am online waiting for Jim or Cassie to catch me in Yahoo...
Miss them enormously , though they are always so near to my heart, it's hard not to feel them along anyway.
But I want to speak with them, and know how their lives are goin.
I wish they could be either in Florence or LodiVecchio for my BDay...
Yes, cos on the 16 and 17th I celebrate Bday three times: on sat evening with Florence creek, on Sun morning with parents and relatives.. then I go back in Lodi to celebrate it with Lodi's creek.
Hope to survive all cakes!
Yesterday I met again kids. They can be so adorable.. in their eyes you can read so much their hearts not always verbalize. I hope to be able to help them the way everyone espects at organization. I feel I will.
So that beside my BDay, it can be everyone's bday every single day.
Oh.. and I am listening to Kent.
Micke.. ou always are marvellous :)
The very special friend you're always gonna be :)
Kiss :)