I am actually still trick-trackening in rushing visits to lovely sites (real world ones, obviously...) but sadly I have wide the awareness in me the time of relax and fun is coming to end.
I lived lovely holidays: and I badly needed that: I needed to cut all links with things that were reminding me of office work, so I tried to never use pc (although Stef was having his laptop wirelessly connected to the internet...) and shorten badly down also cell phone communications.
That was easy cos this year Ilaria and Chiara went with us at holidays in Puglia (Chiara for the first week, Ilaria for both) so I had to communicate just with parents and Monia ;) and Micke, whom has (among brackets) had the finest of his holidays as well, enjoyin a massive trip all along Europe.
Chiara has become mother last saturday, so....26th of August 2006: WELCOME TO LOVELY SOFIA!!!!! This weekend we arrive in Florence to cheer the baby and the proud parents.
From Monday(better, thursday, as Monday will be crazy working day...) I will commit to all the e-mails I haven't read in a month, and more :)
Have lovely break till then, hugs and kisses, Meli :)