Hey there!
I don't have much time, but I am here happy to comment at least one fact: Today Italy's team starts its World Cup of football, and I am so loathing half of it, especially the team manager that I am gonna yawn on my couch all night, hoping even Ghana is gonna beat us.
Can't help myself, and maybe this will change later... but truly, I don't have any will or wish to cheer the azzurri's tonight.
I'm hating our national tv, thankin God we have Sky at least to see the games.
Work is the usual bitch, and I'm having caos in other activities I normally follow... but it's all fine anyway, I'm living it with phylosophy. At least I do try that.
Word of the day should be *harmony* but it sounds and it's going more like it's actually being *mess*.
A mega kiss to everybody, especially my people at the forum from the world... I miss you all guys, and in July I PROMISE I'll getting back at ya too :)
Meli (Thanx Chiara for the Elouai's dollz of myself... they're so cute ;))