Make your life musical!
Last saturday... All the countryside was under snow, and we pay visit to newborn lovely Tommaso :)
Micky&Ale are over the moon, and the baby's simply awesome, lively, and with such cute features he made me and Stef amazed, truly :)
We also went to visit Giacinta, and she's doing better: today or tomorrow they'll move her to rehabilitation therapy in San Colombano's Hospital, aso things may develop faster for the better :)
Snow's not here anymore, but it's truly freezing: my visit to Florence will be postponed to Immacolata's Bridge, due to working stuff and the chance I have to get Uni letter here in Lodi instead than not :)
Mamy&Papy will change their car in favour of a Musa at the middle of January, while I ma gonna get a better job position around the same time: I will pass from half to complete timing, but I'll have a better structure around, which make me very happy.
This week I have to send mails to ask addresses for teh Xmas calendar sending.. let's cross fingers I'll be makin it all ;)
I'll keep playin Madge's record all time along, though: she ROCKS!!!!!!
Hugs and kisses, Your Meli will catch you all soon again :)