Hi there dears!
I'm back in Lodi for a few days, after spending almost three weeks away to complete my exam program for Social Psychology, which will give me my second master degree just before Xmas.
I'm late wth everything else: work, fitness, marriage plans, but I am happy and very up. This although I am as tired as hell, obvioulsy.
Stef on friday has done ITS BEST for me. Noel Gallagher was on Radio Deejay, the most important italian radio (he works for the sister television and media company) and although he hates Oasis and everything they represent for me... he stepped down, caught him, took pics for me with the cell phone and gave me his sign!!!
When yesterday I came back, he showed me everything, and revealed he had lied previously to me (I was suer he had done that, but he kept refusing...). I started to jump like a kid, and now I have the precious sign in my pocket :D
Tomorro, on Monday, Noel plays at Blue Note in Milan and stef said if he finds two ticket (almost impossible, it's late now) from the Radio People, we'll go.
I keep fingers crossed. But anyway I'm already happy enough :D
Hugs everybody dears, catch you again as soon as I can :)