a smile...as I am goin to Florence in minutes!
Yeah, it's early sat morning and Stef and I are ready to go to Florence for the weekend :)
I will see my parents after holidays and my beloved Florence Creek has organized a mega evening "all together" :)
I am blessed in having the friends I got :)
I updated my site... here http://www.angelfire.com/me4/gallimel/meli_interactive_albums.html you can find the three sites dedicated to events in my August holidays, namely the Gran Canaria time, the time in Puglia and Elli and Luca's beautiful marriage (the picture above is taken from there, in fact :)).
You can visit and leave comments under the pics if you like :)
Ah, yesterday Micke and I settled finally the time of hs coming to our Lodi's house :) 26th of October to November the First :)
It's gonna be great to have him in our house.. and then we will go to the gig, which is always a great plus :)
Ah, if you wonder, yes, I still worried about hijacks.
Every morning I wait for 9 am to pass, and realizing they didn't make any Milan Tube collapse with a bomb-man...
I know it's unrational... but I guess my emotional side just can't take current events without fearing the ignote.
But ehi... I still fight that.
They can't have my soul. At least they can't so easily.
Wish you all a great weekend.
:) I will answer all emails this incoming Monday :)
Kiss&Love, Meli xxx