Jean-Marc's Rulier beautiful last gift to me...
So, finally I ma in after the week past with kids and my working team away from usual land.
You know, I have been quite emotional lately: and during this last week especially, the news about new bombs in my beloved London, and the horrifying (but expectable, at least by me) hijacks in Sharm El Sheik, my mood keeps being a rollercoaster.
I am someone who loves serenity, but I have to face the fact I can't feel so till world will be this madness.
What can I do about it?
Nothing, just ... live.
In the weekend we've been at my parents in our mountain house. Mauro and Monia, and yesterday Marco have joined there me and Stef: my parents have been happy to pass time all together.
I have felt well too.
But always... you know... demanding myself to feel fine, which means after all I keep being scared a lot.
Yeah, I know, this is what they want.
But the whole of our system is based onto confidence in a stable system of life. It's not that easy to mantain it once confidence is washed out by sudden attacks aimed exactly at revolving everything we use to know about ways of life.
I am starting to feel like this is not a good world to give birth in the future.
But I know myself... in the end I will find a way to go one the way we all have to.
I wanna thank JMRulier for this beautiful interpretation of myself.
This picture so ghostly and intense today defines my mood pretty well.
A big embrace to everyone whom reads here.
Your Meli.
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