I am so happy... Sharing a bed with him, feeling he caresses me so very long at night, when he thinks I don't perceive that consciously cos Morpheus seems to have taken me over fully...
But I feel the urge of bad ghosts, I keep fearing something tragic is ready to happen. All this hate that fires the world down nowadays... Promises of Holy Wars, by all sides (no, I don't think there's really just one side aiming at that... sadly it's something many think about, and I find that so inhuman, especially when it comes from so called "democracies"), and we got to take daily trains, buses, metros... airplanes...
We live in ways that are unprotectable.
Let's face it: it's easy to kill in our societies.
To kill blindly, to kill spectacularly... we never think about that cos otherwise we couldn't live. Stef always tell me not to paint myself the end of the world, cos this way it's like I stop to live already, instead of goin on. His pragmatism... I wish were mine.
But Reflections come at night, like moths with dark wings that silently cover my eyes and horizon in a dusty cloud... I wish they could be coloured butterflies, cos I feel I have all I could dream of: a simple life made of love with my Prince. Maybe it's just that i feel I don't deserve it.. maybe I am just scared the way men can keep wish to erase and cancel other men who think differently than they do.
We're all so presumptious, frajile and arrogant. Tricky, dangerous combinations, that give no rest to me while I sleep. And while I am more than awake.
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