Gotta solve this Trivia... :D
Heya people!
After a surprisingly relaxing coupla days (!!) I get back here, to update at least some of you about current Meli's Life.
Well, the best news came just yesterday late evening, while I was watchin as per usual History Channel on Sky tv (I LOVE that kind of cult-tv) : Ilaria and Massy phoned from Florence to tell me they're gonna come at Gallipoli too this summer... WHOOOOOO-HOOOOO!!!!
I am over the top, it's so many years that Ila and I are parted for holidays.... I truly strated jumping while talkin at the phone :D
Schumi won the Formula one race so I am happy for that as well, the *gift* to Raf/project was accomplished and I made it to clean deeply all the balcony in the house regardeless of allergic sympthomes (these three things have absolutely NOTHING in common, but they came into my mind in this order :D)
Like all the 29 years old who beahve like children, I saw Ice Age The Meltdown this past saturday along my stef, nadia and stefanodella and we were laughing all the time more than kids around us ;)
Fiorentina is THERE to catch the Champions League, but I have lots of bad feelings that we're gonna be in tears and not for joy in one week ... Let's hope I am wrong.
Last but not least, aly's trivia on music on the http://www.daveblog.net is getting personal: gotta solve it or I won't sleep anymore (well, not quite, be calm ;)).
We can make it.... and we will!
Gotta go at boring work ;)
Catch you soon, (next weekend I am in Florence, but let's see) :) Hugs, Meli :)
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