Happy Xmas 2005!
A random view on my thoughts, day by day (when time allows and mood inspires).
NB:Images in my Blog, and its backgrounds are COPYRIGHTED. Copy, Manipulation or borrowing/stealing is FORBIDDEN.
Tomorrow I'll take Micke from Linate airport.. he will have to wait a bit cos I can't skip morning work at office.. but I ma sure he won't get lost... I just cros fingers that there won't be any fog... that freaks me out and I am already not that skilled driver... :P
I am sure it's gonna be a fine time together... Stef's a bit scared about his English, but he'll do well I am sure :)
Work keeps being a flash in the pan... : It's all about that work that we might have NOT lost... argh! which means MORE and MORE and MORE charge for me... Oh, well!!
This past weekend (long one,I took friday free) I was in Florence :) Ilaria and Massy witnessed amazing Fiorentina at the stadium on saturday, sliding over poor Parma with immense Luca Toni (one of my player at Fantacalcio ;)) :) :) :) They're doing very fine :)
We went with Monia and Mauro catchin Benigni's latest movie: it's a very nice one: I was expecting something not that good (after that horrendous Pinocchio), but I was wrong :) It's not "Life is Beautiful".. but none could match again that one after all :)
I advice everyone in seeing "La Tigre e la Neve" :) It deserves :)
So... update's ended :)
Gotta get ready for work :) Hugs&Kisses everyone :) Meli xxxxx
I was hoping to get some chances to be around these past week... lately my job has taken me a bit and it seems like everyday all my hopes to talk a bit here with you get wasted for sudden new duties...Unlikely my predictions, this week sounds as busy as latest ones... I think no chances to be actually around online till my friend Micke comes down to me and Stef... namely for two weeks more?
At work the connection got troubled by storms last week, so it's difficult to connect (although briefly) till technician won't repair all properly (and that's meant to be this incoming tuesday...)Patience, I guess, it's the only solution I have :)
Up above you see me in Monia and Maurro's house kitchen: it was shot ten days ago when me and Stef got invited for dinner while we were in Florence. Lovely house, and lovely couple they are :) . We should be back in Florence next week's weekend, but no more diners.. just exiting at evening :) with the others gals too I hope :)
Of course I haven't replied any mail yet.. apologies, but really I haven't got time, and as usual I hope to patch this as soon as possible (but no more days called for that.. cos every single time it seems things gather enough to break my good intentions...)
So... catch you as soon as possible, and when I will, me and Micke will probably have to tell you about Oasis gig in Milan on 30th of October, ok?Hugs everyboody, again :) :) :) Meli :)
Nothing did help me feeling better these days: not even the fact I leave this incoming week to take my kids to a week on sea (the centre has organized the whole stuff with my Company, so I work regularly and at the same time I spend afternoons with them .. it's gonna be lovely!); not the fact along Stef we've booked just days ago our week from 8 to 16 of August in the Gran Canary Island, in a luxurious hotel near to Maspalomas and Puerto Morgan beaches...
I can't think well not even at the days that we'll pass, after that week, in our beautiful Gallipoli, till we'll seen Elli getting married by the end of August...
Nothing seems to help my anguish: I fear the terrorism is gonna steal me Stef, or some of my dears, in horrible ways, like it did happen in London...
London.. all the places touched by infamy were those we did walk in last time I went in the beautiful town...
Can't rest, I have in front of me bloody scenes, and I just suffer.
Why hate has to take over people this way?
But I won't bend to hate.
G's okay, she tells me all therapy have worked, and she's healed :) I am happy. I told her I should learn from her and her won battle against cancer the way to survive my fears, and just keep on living.
I will trust those words. Friends please... keep help me. Always.
Hugs, catch you soon again, after the week at sea I guess. If I won't find an usable pc there, which I don't think. Kisses, Meli :)
Peace for the families who've lost their beloveds, hope and strenght to those whom have got casualties , and heavy hards from the blasts.
Love you all.
She left her bouquet at Stefania's grave... that is right, she has to feel none felt her away from us on Saturday.
I am really taken these days: I don't see my kids since three days cos at work it's insane moment: we have two big projects running and I have to work in afternoons too.
Catch you soon again, hugs, Meli :)
I am writing from Florence, where yesterday my cousin Cinzia got married!!!
No church this time, she di d in the Pontassieve Mayor site, but believe me all has been great!!! she looked like Botticelli's spring, you'll see in the pic album I will make in a few days :)
The day before, on Friday, I took Stef along Ilaria and Massy, and Monia and Mauro (lovely after their honeymoon) seeing the fireworks of San Giovanni, patronal saint of Florence. He LOVED them a lot :)
It was about time he were seeing them!!! all these years and he had always missed them :)
Heat in Florence is insane.. but I have to write about at least one thing...
Izzi's back shaped as a bee in web waves!!! Sabine, you're adorable.. to have you back on board fills me of joy:)
My statement about losing fanship in Oasis has quite shattered boards universe but hey, it happens. It's not that I don't like them anymore it's just... that I feel nor as deep as I used to towards them. I guess my motherly instinct starts to focuse now on having my own children?!? Prolly ;)
So.. I go... thinkin after lunch me and Stef have to go to highway to get back in Lodi, and thinkin we'll have to with 40 degrees outside, kills me and my forces.. oh well!!!
Catch you soon again, hugs, meli :)
I am sure she will :)
I am waiting for G.'s news... let's hope all was fine.
I miss Cassie... I am sure she's taken a lot, but her BDay comes soon too and I hope to catch her before that :)
Now gotta go.. have all a wonderful day :)
Meli :)
It's a personal favour I am askin you to do... get onto her life waves, with your own love.
from now, and ongoing.
Thank you and.. sweet G...I ma always with you.
Love, Meli xxxxxxxxxx
More is gonna come in the following weeks when I will finally update my website :)
Anyway... look up and much of what happened yesterday will be at least guessed :)
Monia was SHINING! I think I never saw her that adorable and happy :)
And definitely her dress was fabulous :) Here you see it without veil nor shoulders-cover but in my site you will see all :)
The day has been groovy, sunny, marvellous! The ceremony (held again by "our" priest Massimo -the same one that transformed Chiara's day into a lovely show) has been feasty, joyful and.. I even read at the end of everything ;)
Gotta say my friends approved me as the best bride of honour ever ;) But hey! they're my friends.. what else could have they said?
LOL :)
My hairdo was peculiar, but you will see in the other pictures in my site. Stef took more pictures than I did actually.. he's ready for a camera course.. he loves to do that! :) And that helped me a lot, cos near to the altar I could have never tried to take pictures duruing the ceremony :)
You'll see that by time of dances in the Villa where the dinner was meant to take place, Mauro ended... suitless!!!! I am not kidding ;)
What else? Oh, yeah... I DID TAKE THE FLOWERS ;)
Let's say it was natural to happen ;) I will launch mine next year in Ilaria's favour... we have to mantain the line of friendship, you know ;)
Hope you like my interpretation of the Cavalli's style up above BUT please don't say to me that that way I am ANYTHING like Tittany Spears (I had to hear that even at the marriage.. ARGH!). First, I am sylicon-free and on the second side I sing WAY better ;)
Too bad you can't see my beautiful shoes in th9is pictures... again, you have to wait for the site update ;).
Now it's time to close this... tomorrow is another train travel (I return to Lodi tomorrow... today only Stef went back in our home, I preferred to pass a lil more time with mum&dad) and I am tired a lot.
A mega kiss to you dear friends, and catch you soon again.
PS: It's time of my favourite music to be bought: Subsonica's "Terrestre"... Oasis' "Don't Believe the Truth" and after Coldplay's "X&Y". Awwww Love this time. I am thinkin about buying also Audioslave's one cos I adore their single :)
Hugs, tell me about YOUR favourite tunes of the period ;)
Kisses, Meli :)
What to add?
Oh, yes... I found a passion for bowling.. there are pictures of that too.. one is me, and BEHIND me the ball launched... ROFL! But on my first ever trial I got two strikes as well done, so maybe I ma not that huge disaster after all.
April's gone with the worst weather ever remembered by me, but May is gotta be fantastic...
Monia and Mauro are soon to marry, and so I will be constantly down to Florence at weekends for Batchelor's parties and organisation... Ah! I am so excited! Can't wait... you'll see, you'll see!
I also decided to cut a bit my hair cos I am bored of this Maria Magdalena haircut ;) But they will be long still (at least enough).. You'll see in a while. Basically I am shiningly happy. I am tanned, today I am gonna have the work with kids at volunteer creek and then I'll be playing tennis with Marco. I feel the summer near. I am happy, and so I hope you all are.
Special kisses to Cassie and Jim, and to lovely friends who have written me here and in mail. I will answer everyone this weekend.
Love you all, Meli :)